Four states. 230 Staff. 7 Workshops. 12,000 stairs every year. We work with 18 of the country's largest 25 builders. Work on iconic projects for architects around Australia. And provide the best service for custom builders every day.
Most importantly, we're a business made by people with passion and excellent values. A Fourth generation family business with 103 Years of craft knowledge and incredible manufacturing capabilities.
Today, we bring national logistics, sales, scheduling and manufacturing technology together with a world class team of in house craftsmen and makers.
Meet our Directors
Tom Acquroff
Managing Director
With more than 20 Years experience at the helm of S&A Stairs, Tom Acquroff is an encyclopedia of staircase knowledge and manufacturing. Tom has excellent strategic vision and a passion for creating quality products at scale. Steering our operations Nationally, he leads a team of highly skilled specialists, creating a reputation for making very complicated products consistently best in class, at scale. More importantly, Tom is a true culture leader at S&A Stairs – ensuring we continually build on our values of personal responsibility, building the best products, respect and family tradition.
Joel Acquroff
With a diverse background and more than 10 Years as head of Sales & Marketing Nationally, Joel has built an incredible network of partners. Along with managing key partners and relationships, Joel drive’s the business development at S&A as well as new technology and systems. Over the last decade, he has overseen our progression from a Victorian based stair builder, to the largest stair builder in the country, supplying 15 of 20 of Australia’s largest builders.

1930 - 1960
Through the 30s & 40s, we worked on the country's most renowned projects: The Olympic Village in Melbourne. Continuous handrails at the Melbourne Airport, which still exist today. To the Ceremonial Staircase at Parliament House in Canberra.
In the Mid-Century we boomed, with new staff from all over Europe - whose sons and grandsons, daughters and nieces and nephews make up a large part of our wonderful family to this day. We became synonymous with landmark mid-century projects all over Victoria, by celebrated architects like Robyn Boyd, Roy Grounds and many more.
More than anything, an S&A Stair is defined by generations of dedication and refinement. We have a passion for continuous improvement and repeating processes for incremental gain, every single day. We have a passion for our craft and most importantly the people who work at S&A.
You'll see this dedication every day at our workshops around the country.
Over the Years
We were born in the industrial streets of South Yarra, Melbourne in 1920. By two excellent tradesmen - Alex Acquroff & Ted Slattery.
We survived The Great Depression without even a car, carting stairs to site by wheelbarrow. Slowly, we carved out a reputation for our quality in Melbourne's inner eastern suburbs: Malvern, Toorak, South Yarra, Brighton, Glen Waverley and more.